Hi Jadon. I am a volunteer at a Durham Elm. School. Volunteer in the library/media center. It is a Title 1 school. and many of the younger kids (K -- 3) are struggling with their reading. Any suggestions for book series (Like the Wimpy Kid series, only for younger readers 5 -- 8 year olds).
Hey there!
Sure! I'm happy to help! I have a couple recommendations. One of the best Wimpy Kid read alike series for younger kids that I can think of is called "Stick Dog," by Tom Watson. I also suggest the "Captain Underpants" books, if you haven't tried those already. As far as other books go, you might want to try "Frankie's Magic Soccer Ball" by Frank Lampard, or The "Origami Yoda" series by Tom Angleberger.
I hope this helps!
Jadon Sand